Tue Mar 19 2019 17:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Marts 19th - Build your first blockchain app

In this workshop, we will look at how to create blockchain applications with Ethereum. We will give a how to get started with cryptocurrency and the tools you need to make your own blockchain apps. So join and meet others, and create your first blockchain app! I promise it is easier than you think! 😄

A big thank you to Impact.dk for sponsoring this event.

In this workshop we will go through the following with Ethereum:

  • How to setup your computer with local blockchain
  • How to create an Ethereum wallet
  • How to make your first blockchain transaction
  • How to create your first HelloWorld blockchain app
  • How to interact with your blockchain app
  • How to distribute your app to your friends


17:00 Doors Open
17:30 Welcome
17:40 Blockchain & Ethereum - how and why to get started?
18:00 Exercises with Ethereum
18:30 Sandwiches and drinks
18:50 How to deploy blockchain
19:10 Exercises for deploying blockchain apps
20:30 Follow up talk and networking!

Why are we doing this?

Blockchain is an interesting technology that is talked about more than it is used, but blockchain is thriving and enables anyone to create an application like Firebase. Blockchain does not need to be about money! That is what I want to show with this workshop!

Here are reviews from previous workshops I have done:

What is Ethereum?

If you want a quick introduction to Ethereum, you can read this article at Sitepoint which tells a good story: https://www.sitepoint.com/ethereum-introduction/

Friendly regards Kevin and Paul

If you have any questions please reach out to me either here or on mail!